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Sebuah restoran Indonesia yang sudah cukup lama berdiri di Den Haag. Menyajikan berbagai macam makanan Indonesia seperti sate, gado-gado, rendang dan masih banyak lagi. Tak ketinggalan Poentjak juga menyediakan berbagai minuman Indonesia salah…

We introduce Indonesian food, for example, gado-gado, nasi goreng, Bakmi Goreng and Sate (Spiese). However, Indonesian food would not be complete without it or it Cendol Campur and traditional Indonesian drinks.

A warung in Bali is a casual place to eat. Everybody visits a warung at least once a day for meals or snacks. There is no tradition of fine dining, but feasting and sharing food is mandatory as integral to all those colourful ceremonies for which…